Venezuela Violence Continues as Thousands Protest Proposed Constitutional Reforms

Thousands of Venezuelan students have clashed with police during demonstrations in Caracas against constitutional reforms that would allow President Hugo Chavez to run for re-election repeatedly.

Venezuelan police used tear gas and water cannons Thursday to disperse crowds outside the headquarters of the country's electoral council, as students threw rocks, bottles and metal barricades. There were no reports of any major injuries.

Similar violence broke out October 20 in the capital as thousands protested in student-led demonstrations against the reforms that some critics say will turn the country into an authoritarian state.

The proposed amendments include limiting presidential term limits, detaining citizens without charge during national emergencies, and restricting the public's access to information during an emergency.

Opposition parties, human rights groups and leaders of Venezuela's Roman Catholic Church have condemned the changes.

A national vote on the proposed constitutional amendments is expected in December.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters, AP and AFP.