British PM Brown Calls for End to Post-election Violence in Kenya

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called for an end to the violence that erupted following the disputed presidential poll in Kenya. From London, Tendai Maphosa has more in this report for VOA.

Prime Minister Brown says he is appalled by the loss of life in Kenya.

"The violence in Kenya is totally unacceptable, the loss of life is appalling to all of us," he said. "It remains for all the parties to come together to see whether they can form a government of reconciliation to make sure that the killing stops and that we can have the peaceful progress that we want to associate with the future of Kenya politics that sadly is lacking at the moment."

Mr. Brown said he had spoken to President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga, the challenger who claims the poll was rigged to ensure the incumbent's victory. Mr. Brown said he impressed upon them the importance of finding ways of improving the national unity of the country.

Mr. Brown urged the two sides to cooperate with Ghana's President John Kufuor, the current chairman of the African Union who is undertaking a mediation process.

The prime minister called on both parties to consider the possibility of a coalition government and whether constitutional changes are necessary.