Sri Lanka Rejects Tamil Rebel Offer to Revive Ceasefire

The Sri Lankan government says it will push ahead with an offensive against Tamil Tiger rebels, rejecting a rebel offer of restoring the 2002 ceasefire the government formally ended last week.

Sri Lankan defense officials Friday vowed to continue military operations to eliminate the rebel group. Officials say the Tamil Tigers used the ceasefire to regroup and plan more terrorist attacks.

In a statement Thursday, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam rebels said they were shocked and disappointed the government had ended the truce, but the rebels said they were ready to implement every clause of the ceasefire agreement.

In the capital, Colombo, Friday, an explosion at a busy railway station injured one person.

In the north, the military says its warplanes carried out raids Friday, destroying a rebel sea base. The military says ground forces also targeted rebel positions along several fronts.

Tamil Tigers are fighting for a Tamil homeland in northern and eastern Sri Lanka. An estimated 70,000 people have died since the war erupted in 1983.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.