Sarajevo Court Indicts Bosnian Serb for Killing, Rape and Torture

A court in Bosnia-Herzegovina has indicted a Bosnian Serb army commander for the killing, rape and torture of Muslims during the country's conflict of the early 1990s.

The Bosnian war crimes court said in a statement Tuesday that Momir Savic is accused of persecution, murder, torture and other inhuman acts against Muslims in the area of the eastern town of Visegrad in 1992.

The court says Savic and several other Serb soldiers took 10 Muslim civilians from their homes in a Visegrad neighborhood in May 1992 and executed them.

Savic is also accused of repeatedly raping a Muslim woman in her home. Other charges include torturing Muslim civilians in the Visegrad area and plundering and burning their houses.

Police arrested Savic in December of last year.

Savic was a member of the Bosnian Serb army's Visegrad Brigade. Bosnian Serb forces aided by the Serb-dominated Yugoslav Army and paramilitary units committed atrocities against Muslims in eastern Bosnia in an effort to create exclusively Serb-populated areas.

Bosnia's war crimes court was set up to alleviate the work of the United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.