Iran Says New EU Sanctions Will Not Affect Nuclear Activities

Iran has condemned the European Union's adoption of new sanctions against the country for its disputed nuclear program.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini Tuesday said the sanctions will not affect Tehran's nuclear activities. But he said the move could hurt diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute.

Hosseini also warned the EU sanctions will only strengthen Iran's determination to obtain its nuclear rights.

EU officials approved the sanctions in Luxembourg Monday. The 27-nation bloc is freezing all assets of Iran's largest bank, Bank Melli, that are under EU jurisdiction. EU member states also will ban travel in Europe by some Iranians involved in Iran's nuclear program.

The measure adds 20 Iranian companies and 15 individuals to an existing sanctions list.

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana went to Tehran last week to offer Iran economic and trade incentives in return for suspending uranium enrichment.

Iran has said it is willing to negotiate details of the incentives package, but has refused to stop enriching uranium.

Iran has rejected accusations that it is working to develop a nuclear weapon and says its atomic program is for peaceful purposes.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.