Iran Rejects Nuclear, Terrorism Charges Against Banks

Iran has rejected accusations by France, Britain and the United States that its banks are financing illegal nuclear activities and terrorism.

Iran sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council Friday, calling the allegations baseless.

It also accused France, Britain and the U.S. of trying to disrupt the financial affairs of millions of Iranian bank customers.

Earlier this month, the three countries warned the Security Council of attempts by Iran to use the country's banks to help expand its nuclear capabilities.

The Western countries specifically cautioned countries from doing business with two of Iran's largest banks, Bank Melli and Bank Saderat. They also alleged the banks have been involved in financing terrorism.

The U.N. Security Council has imposed three rounds of sanctions against Iran and is considering more for refusing to stop enriching uranium, a key step in the production of nuclear weapons.

In its letter to the Security Council, Iran again dismissed allegations it is pursuing nuclear technology for non-peaceful activities.

Western countries suspect Iran of enriching uranium in an effort to acquire nuclear weapons.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.