Iraqi TV Station: 4 Employees Kidnapped, Killed

An Iraqi television station says gunman have kidnapped and killed four members of the station's crew in northern Iraq.

Sources in the area say the four crew members were killed Saturday in the city of Mosul while on assignment for the television channel al-Sharqia.

No one has claimed responsibility.

The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists says Iraq is the deadliest country in the world for journalists. The group says some 130 reporters and 50 media support workers have been killed in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

Meanwhile, Iraqi authorities say two bomb attacks today killed 10 security force members.

They say a roadside bomb killed six Kurdish soldiers northeast of Baghdad. The Peshmerga forces were patrolling a town near the Iranian border.

Separately, a bomb near a checkpoint in eastern Baghdad killed three policemen and a member of a local group fighting al-Qaida in Iraq.

And the U.S. military said al-Qaida was behind Friday's suicide car bombing that killed at least 31 people and wounded 40 others in a Shi'ite town north of Iraq. A spokesman vowed the attack in Dujail will not hinder progress there.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.