'New York Times' Backs Obama, 'Detroit News' Endorses McCain

The New York Times newspaper has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama in the race for the White House, while The Detroit News has thrown its support behind Republican John McCain.

In an editorial Friday, The New York Times praised Obama for possessing character and intellect. The newspaper credited the Illinois senator with having "a cool, steady hand" and the ability to create a broad consensus to solve the nation's problems.

The editorial accused Senator McCain of moving farther to "the fringe of American politics." It called his selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate an "act of opportunism and bad judgment."

The Detroit News on Thursday endorsed McCain, saying he is the candidate best equipped to lead the country. The newspaper praised the veteran Arizona lawmaker as being a proven leader with the experience, character and independence needed in perilous times.

It charged that Obama would raise taxes, discouraging investment and the creation of new jobs.

A number of major U.S. newspapers have endorsed a presidential candidate in recent weeks. Among them, The Dallas Morning News has backed McCain, while the The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times have endorsed Obama.