Billy Currington Strikes Optimistic Tone on 'Little Bit of Everything'

Billy Currington, 35, recently returned to the Country charts with his third album, Little Bit of Everything and the song "Life and Love and the Meaning Of" represents the optimistic tone of Georgia native Billy Currington's first album in three years.

But as recently as 2007, Billy suffered some setbacks in his life. He was forced to cancel a concert tour due to severe laryngitis. He also admitted himself into a 30-day trauma recovery program for help in dealing with anger issues brought on by physical abuse he endured as a young child. After completing the therapy, Billy spent six months in Hawaii, where he reflected on his life.

When Billy returned to Nashville, he teamed with producer Carson Chamberlain to begin work on Little Bit of Everything. Billy describes the album this way.

"Just like the title says, it's a little bit of everything," he said. "It's some songs that I've written, some songs that I've got from some great songwriters in Nashville. Some are really Country, some are really soulful sounding, one or two are kind of pop sounding. You're going to get a broad range of things. It's not too different from the last one anyway, maybe just a hair, but you're going to love it."

Billy co-wrote five of the songs on his new album. He says the collection will give listeners a closer look at his personality and diverse musical influences.

"It's a little all over the page. That's kind of how it came together," he said. "Going back to the early days, my influences, they were all over the page too. Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Kenny Rogers, Luther Vandross, Michael McDonald, it was all over the place. I didn't like one more than the other. I just loved so many different types of music. This album's really a reflection of me personally."

The first single, "Don't," from Little Bit of Everything is climbing high up the Country chart.