Pakistan Summons Indian Envoy Over Alleged Airspace Violation

Pakistan has summoned an Indian envoy to formally complain about an alleged violation of Pakistani airspace, as tensions remain high over last month's terrorist attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai.

Indian authorities deny the Pakistani charges that Indian fighter jets crossed into Pakistan's airspace last week.

In another sign of mounting tensions, Indian authorities said Thursday the country has canceled a planned cricket tour of neighboring Pakistan.

India's government has accused Pakistan of harboring the group it says planned and carried out the Mumbai shootings. At least 170 people died in the attacks in India's commercial capital.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said Wednesday in a televised interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation there is no conclusive evidence to support claims made by India, the U.S. and Britain that the attackers received training from terrorist camps in Pakistan.

But Mr. Zardari said his country is prepared to act if authorities find adequate evidence of any Pakistani involvement.

On Monday, India said its peace process with Pakistan has been put on hold since the attacks.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.