Victims of Bernard Madoff Scandal Made Public

A list of victims of accused swindler Bernard Madoff has been made public.

The 162-page document names several thousand clients who invested with Madoff, including charitable foundations, celebrities, Madoff's relatives and even his attorney.

The document was filed late Wednesday with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan.

Among the names are legendary baseball pitcher Sandy Koufax, New York Mets owner Fred Wilpon, Columbia University, and finance institutions Bank of America Corporation and Citigroup.

Prosecutors accuse the 70-year-old Madoff of operating a years-long massive pyramid scheme that illegally used money from new investors to pay previous ones. Officials say the fraud may have cost investors $50 billion.

Madoff has not been indicted and is currently under house arrest at his multi-million dollar apartment in New York.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters