Suspected Drone Missile Attack in Pakistan Kills 10

Pakistani officials say suspected U.S. drone-fired missiles have struck a vehicle and a religious school building in an al-Qaida and Taliban stronghold, killing at least ten militants, including two foreigners.

The officials say the missiles hit in the Khaisor area of North Waziristan region, near the border with Afghanistan.

The victims have not yet been identified.

This is the latest of more than 40 suspected U.S. missile strikes on militant targets in northwest Pakistan over the past year. Last week, a suspected U.S. drone (unmanned) aircraft fired a missile at a compound in South Waziristan, also near the Afghan border, killing at least 8.

The United States rarely discusses the strikes, which Pakistan has criticized as counterproductive and a violation of its sovereignty.

These latest missiles hit as Pakistani security forces battle extremist militants elsewhere in northwestern Pakistan, around the Swat valley.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.