Shuttle Astronauts Complete Final Spacewalk of Current Mission

Astronauts from the U.S. space shuttle Endeavour have completed the fifth and final spacewalk of their current mission at the International Space Station, filling their final full day with a number of tasks.

Tom Marshburn and Chris Cassidy ventured out for a spacewalk that lasted nearly five hours Monday. They installed two video cameras on the Japanese lab, Kibo, did some re-wiring on a pair of gyroscopes, and fixed insulation on a robotic arm.

Endeavour lifted off July 15 for a more than two-week mission to help complete the space station. With the rendezvous, the space station's population rose to 13 - its largest ever.

But the mission became a little more complicated Saturday, when a space station air purifier popped a circuit breaker and shut down. Controllers managed to get it working again in manual mode. NASA plans to send a back-up air purifier during the next shuttle mission, scheduled for August.

If all goes as scheduled, Endeavour will depart the space station Tuesday, and end the days-long journey home with a landing Friday at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP