Coordinated Bombings Kill 16 in Western Iraq

Coordinated Bombings Kill 16 in Western Iraq

Iraqi police say at least 16 people died and dozens were wounded in a series of apparently coordinated bomb blasts in the western city of Ramadi.

Police and witnesses say a car bomb exploded in a parking lot near a provincial government building Sunday, and a second car bomb detonated when police and rescue workers arrived at the scene.

Soon after, a bomb exploded at Ramadi's main hospital, where victims of the earlier attacks had been rushed for medical treatment.

It was the third set of deadly bombings in less than a week in Anbar province.

No group immediately claimed responsibility for Sunday's violence. Al-Qaida often uses secondary bombings as a tactic to kill rescuers and security forces who respond to the primary attack.

Iraq's Anbar province once was an insurgent stronghold. But violence there greatly decreased after local Sunni tribes sided with the U.S. military in 2006 to fight against al-Qaida.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.