EU Parliament Member Gives Inspectors Information on Iraqi Weapons Materials - 2003-02-04

A member of the European Parliament has delivered to chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix what she describes as fresh evidence of hidden material in Iraq that could be used in weapons of mass destruction. Emma Nicholson, a British lawmaker and member of the European Parliament, says she gave chief inspector Blix the information on condition that he not disclose the identity of her sources.

Ms. Nicholson said her information came from inside Iraq in the past few days. "The evidence I gave to Dr. Blix identified at least two places where weapons of mass destruction materials are stored, as my informant told me, places that have not been identified before, and other associated material," he said.

Ms. Nicholson says she also gave inspector Blix a form that she says shows Iraq tried to order material as recently as last month. "I gave him an order form that showed conclusively, if it is valid, and I believe that it is, that Saddam Hussein, or rather, the Iraqi government, had continued to order materials, which I understand can be used in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, right until last month," he said.

The delegation of European Parliament members Ms. Nicholson is visiting with, also met with Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed Aldouri and high level U.N. officials in New York.

Mr. Aldouri reportedly said that he expected U.N. inspectors to search the sites in question.

Mr. Blix's spokesman says the chief inspector is assessing Ms. Nicholson's information.

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is to present the U.N. Security Council with what he describes as solid evidence of Iraqi deception about its weapons program.

The U.N. Security Council remains divided on the next step to take to disarm Iraq.