US Army Reservist Charged in Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Case - 2004-05-08

The U.S. military has brought charges against a woman soldier shown in recently-published photographs abusing Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Graib prison outside Baghdad.

Army Private First Class Lynndie England was charged Friday with assaulting Iraqi detainees, conspiring to mistreat prisoners, committing an indecent act and committing acts that discredit the United States military.

Photographs of the 21-year-old Army reservist have been widely circulated, as the scandal over Iraqi prisoner abuse has made headlines around the world. One picture shows her giving a thumbs-up sign in front of a group of naked prisoners. Another shows her holding a leash attached to a naked prisoner's neck.

Private England now serves at Fort Bragg in the southern state of North Carolina, where she was transferred from Iraq after becoming pregnant.

She is the seventh American soldier from a military police company to be charged with abuse of Iraqi prisoners, and next faces a hearing to determine if she should face a military court martial.