Bigley Family Appeals to Gadhafi for Help - 2004-10-03

The family of a British hostage held in Iraq has appealed to Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi to help secure his release.

The brother of hostage Kenneth Bigley spoke to the Libyan leader's son, Saif Gadhafi, and asked him to get his father involved. The French news agency, AFP, reports that after this conversation Paul Bigley received a call from the Gadhafi Foundation in Libya offering to help.

The Gadhafi Foundation has in the past intervened successfully to secure the release of hostages held by extremists, usually by reportedly paying ransoms.

Mr. Bigley was kidnapped last month along with two American contractors by a group led by Jordanian-born terrorist, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The two Americans were beheaded soon after their capture.