Ukraine Prepares for Yushchenko Presidential Inauguration

Ukraine inaugurates President-elect Viktor Yushchenko on Sunday, capping months of political uncertainty in the former Soviet republic.

International dignitaries and throngs of Mr. Yushchenko's supporters are expected to attend the event.

Workers in Kiev are completing preparations for the ceremonies, as Yushchenko supporters dismantle the tent city they set up in Kiev following a disputed November runoff election.

Mr. Yushchenko won a court-ordered re-vote last month, and the Supreme Court this week cleared the way for his inauguration.

NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell are to attend the ceremonies. U.S. officials say Mr. Powell and Ukrainian leaders may review Ukraine's role in the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq. Mr. Yushchenko has sought the withdrawal of Ukraine's 1600 troops from Iraq.

Russia, which supported former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych in the elections, is sending a parliamentarian to represent Moscow -chairman of the upper house of parliament, Sergei Mironov.