Cuba, Panama Restore Ties

Cuba and Panama have said they will restore consular relations, months after Havana broke ties with Panama City for pardoning four men convicted in connection with an assassination attempt against Cuban President Fidel Castro.

The countries agreed to reopen their consulates, following a meeting Friday between Panamanian President Martin Torrijos and Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the Ibero-American Summit in San Jose, Costa Rica, where heads of state were meeting to discuss a candidate to head the Organization of American States and other regional issues.

Cuba severed ties with Panama in August, hours after Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, in her final days in office, pardoned the men, preventing their extradition to Cuba. They were convicted of plotting to kill Mr. Castro during the 2000 Ibero-American summit in Panama City.