Czech Official Says Pyongyang Denies Preparing Nuclear Test

A Czech lawmaker visiting Pyongyang says North Korean leaders told him that recent reports indicating they were preparing to conduct a nuclear weapons test were "groundless propaganda."

The United States recently cited spy satellite photos that analysts say appear to show weapons test preparations in North Korea.

Czech parliament member Lubomir Zaoralek also said officials told him that they could not negotiate with parties that attempt to stifle them - an apparent reference to the United States.

North Korea's has refused to attend six-party talks on halting its nuclear weapons program for nearly one year. The U.S. State Department said Monday that the five other nations involved (Russia, South Korea, Japan, China and the United States) are willing to resume the discussion unconditionally, giving North Korea the respect it desires and the assistance it needs.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.