Immigrants' Groups Plan Boycott for May 1

U.S. pro-immigrant groups are calling for a nationwide boycott May 1 to pressure Congress into granting illegal aliens the right to gain citizenship.

On that Monday, immigrants and supporters of immigrants' rights plan to stay home from work or school and refrain from buying or selling anything.

The plans come after immigrants and immigrants' rights supporters held demonstrations across the nation in recent weeks. Saturday in New York City, more than 10,000 people rallied outside the U.S. immigration office. The demonstrators say immigrants should be recognized for significant contributions to the U.S. economy.

Those marches and rallies come as the Senate discusses a proposed guest-worker program President Bush has strongly endorsed.

The House of Representatives has passed legislation that would make it a felony to be an illegal immigrant, and heavily penalize companies hiring them.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.