Leading Congressman Calls for US Out of Iraq

A prominent Democrat is calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

Congressman John Murtha calls the war "a flawed policy wrapped in illusion" that puts the future of the United States at risk. At a Washington news conference Thursday, he argued that the mission of ousting Saddam Hussein from power has been accomplished, and that the continued presence of U.S. troops in Iraq is a catalyst for violence.

Mr. Murtha, a military veteran who initially voted for the war, is the most prominent lawmaker to call for an immediate withdrawal. He said he would introduce legislation to force a U.S. pull-out from Iraq.

Reacting to Mr. Murtha's call, several Republican House members said to leave Iraq now would let down the Iraqi people and embolden terrorists.

Earlier this week, the Senate approved a non-binding resolution that next year should see a significant transition to full Iraqi authority.