Family Copes with Schizophrenia in South Africa

Charity Petelo [left], with her son, Sisa, a person living with schizophrenia at the Ikhaya Loxolo home in Hobeni, South Africa (VOA/ D. Taylor)

The home’s director, Alex Gunther, acknowledges that her facility is “inadequate” for Sisa … But he has nowhere else to go in the region (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Looking at pictures in books is one of the few activities that Sisa is willing to engage in (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Hobeni elder Mama ka Blondie says the community is “terrified” of Sisa (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Sisa is not willing to participate in most activities at Ikhaya Loxolo (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Sisa is not willing to participate in most activities at Ikhaya Loxolo (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Sisa is not willing to participate in most activities at Ikhaya Loxolo (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Ikhaya Loxolo’s maintenance man, Patekile Mofeti, is one of the few people able to control Sisa and to calm him when he’s agitated (VOA/ D. Taylor) (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Sisa’s companion at the home, Patekile Mofeti, lights a fire for a barbecue (VOA/ D. Taylor)

Sisa watches the men barbecue at Ikhaya Loxolo (VOA/ D. Taylor)