Advice for Prospective International Students, with Bonus Two SAT Horror Stories

Yesterday we shared the first of two recent phone conversations we had to talk about studying and living in the U.S. If you didn't have a chance to listen to that one, check it out.

In this second conversation, we start out talking about American culture, but with prospective student Vladimir on the line, quickly switch to sharing advice and opinions about applying to study in the U.S. We talk about where to find reliable information, everyone's experiences taking standardized tests, and what criteria people used to decide where to apply.

And as a special bonus, you'll hear two horror stories from taking the SAT. Hopefully yours won't be anything like these!

Or download the mp3

You've heard the advice our bloggers had to give - what's yours? If you had to pass on one piece of advice about applying to study in America, what would it be?