African Hope School

A school girl passes a bottle of juice to her colleague from the street before classes start Sept. 16, 2017, at the African Hope School in Cairo, Egypt.

School manager Hala on her desk, along with other two school teachers on the left, as they give feedback to one of the student's father, Sept. 16, 2017, Cairo, Egypt.

Refugee children at the African Hope School watch cartoons before they go home, Sept. 16, 2017, in Cairo, Egypt.

Jean-Pie, at the African Hope School, Sept. 14, 2017, said that when he began teaching at the school in 2003, he and his colleagues went looking for African refugee children under Cairo's bridges and in its public gardens. He learned how to get them to come to school.

Refugee children at the African Hope School play hide and seek in the school’s core, Sept. 14, 2017, Cairo, Egypt.

Chris Rupke, an educator at the African Hope School in the Cairo suburb of Ma’adi, said that African refugee children he works with have often lost one or both of their parents and are living with extended family members.