American Students Will Read These Books This Summer, and You Should Too

What’s on your reading list for the summer? It’s common for American elementary, middle and high schools to assign works of great literature for students to read while classes are out. You’re unlikely to see Dostoyevsky or Madame Bovary on these summer reading lists though – they’re filled with zippier, more fun and more compelling books designed to get students excited about reading (my apologies to the Madame Bovary fans).

We scoured the internet to find some of the actual summer reading lists being assigned by U.S. schools. If you’re looking to catch up with what your American peers are reading, to practice your English by reading some great books, or just to find some fun reading for the summer, check out what these schools are recommending for their students.

If you're just starting out learning English, try these books, recommended to American elementary school students.

For intermediate English students, American middle schoolers are being assigned these books to read over the summer.

For those of you preparing to go to university or ace the TOEFL, check out these books recommended for American high schoolers.

What books will you be reading this summer? Share your picks in the comments, and we'll compile them into our very own Student Union summer reading list!