Hungarian Crews Raise Sunken Tourist Boat from Danube River

FILE - A boat taking part in the rescue operations is anchored under Margaret Bridge in Budapest, Hungary, June 5, 2019.

Salvage crews in Budapest have raised the sunken tour boat from the Danube River, discovering four more bodies in the vessel.

Receding floodwaters and slower currents finally gave divers a chance to attach an underwater crane to the sunken Mermaid and bring it to the surface.

The bodies of the Hungarian captain and a young girl are believed to be among the four other victims, whose remains were found in the boat, bringing the confirmed death toll to 23.

The search for the other victims whose missing bodies may have been carried downstream will continue.

Thirty-three South Korean tourists and two Hungarian crewmembers were on board the Mermaid when it collided with a larger Viking cruise ship near the Margit Bridge in central Budapest two weeks ago.

The Mermaid capsized and sank in just seconds, giving passengers and crew almost no time to save themselves. Only seven people survived.

It is still unclear what caused the vessels to collide. But Hungarian police arrested the Ukrainian captain of the Viking cruise ship, identifying him as Yuriy C. He is suspected of "endangering waterborne traffic resulting in multiple deaths."