Bombings Across Baghdad Kill 30

A worker prepares to remove the wreckage of a vehicle at one of the sites of car bomb attacks in Baghdad, Iraq, Dec. 8, 2013.

A series of bombings in and around Iraq's capital has killed at least 30 people.

Baghdad police said the Sunday blasts primarily hit commercial areas and wounded more than 90 other people.

Most of the attacks were in predominately Shi'ite neighborhoods.

While no one claimed responsibility, Sunni insurgents have been targeting security forces and civilians in Shi'ite areas in a bid to undermine Iraq's Shi'ite led-government.

Authorities said the deadliest attack Sunday was in Baghdad's Bayaa district, where a parked vehicle exploded near car workshops, killing seven people and wounding 14.

Other bombings struck markets and shops in the areas of Amil, Ghadeer, Hussainiyah, Sadr City and Radhwaniya.

Unrest in Iraq has spiked since the security forces stormed a Sunni protest camp north of Baghdad in April.

The violence this year has been the worst since 2008.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.