The Infodemic: Has the COVID-19 Virus Become More Contagious?

French hospital electrician Benjamin Le Bris repairs a medical bed in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital in Vannes during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease in France, May 6, 2020.

Daily Debunk

Claim: A research paper from scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory suggests the COVID-19 virus has mutated and become more contagious.

Verdict: Disputed

Read the full story:

Social Media Disinfo


Circulating on social media: The claim that vaccines contain toxic levels of aluminum, polysorbate 80, yeast and other substances.

Verdict: Partly False

Read the full story at: Reuters​

Factual Reads on Coronavirus

Covid-19 Without Independent Journalism
[I]n Russia, a journalist with Novaya Gazeta, Elena Milashina, has first been beaten; then threatened by the leader of the Russian region of Chechnya; been denied support and, finally, seen an article about COVID-19 with her byline removed from the newspaper’s website, following a demand by Russian federal authorities.
-- EUvsDisinfo, May 6

Profile of a killer: the complex biology powering the coronavirus pandemic
Scientists are piecing together how SARS-CoV-2 operates, where it came from and what it might do next — but pressing questions remain about the source of COVID-19.
-- Nature, May 4