Mexico's President Refuses to Take Coronavirus Test After Coming in Contact with Infected Admin Member

Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador looks on during a news conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico December 27, 2019.

Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is attempting to allay any suspicions about his health after a high-ranking member of his administration he’d recently been in contact with was infected with the coronavirus.

Lopez Obrador told reporters Monday, that he is fine and that he will not get tested because he doesn’t have symptoms.

He said, Zoé Robledo, director of Mexico’s social security system, is now in quarantine after testing positive following an appearance at an event in the Tabasco state capital of Villahermosa, with the president’s security cabinet.

In response to critics López Obrador had been traveling too much recently, promoting the reopening of the country, he is considering a video conference rather than a White House visit when the new free trade agreement with the United States and Canada takes effect July 1.

The president said, he is following the recommendations of the doctors, which everyone should follow regardless of their position.

Mexico is among the leaders in Latin America, with more than 120,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 14,000 deaths.