Developers Expect to Become Wealthy

Results of a survey of 1,000 U.S. software developers, released this week, show that a majority of them think they will become millionaires and that their jobs are invulnerable to economic downturns.

A study commissioned by Internet technology company Chef also shows that developers see their profession as having increasing power and influence, both in business and society. About 71 percent of the surveyed said they have been involved in political and civic activities for 50 hours per year on the average.

At one point it was thought to be a profession vulnerable to an influx of temporary foreign workers, and many developers were threatened by the possible export of their jobs to other countries. Now 66 percent of developers expect near-term salary rises, while as many as 56 percent of them expect to become millionaires.

According to the study, 94 percent think they'll have revolutionary influence in important parts of the economy, and 95 percent think they are among most valued employees in their company.

Once viewed as introverts with poor social skills, developers now see themselves as empowered to influence changes to both products and services.