Egypt Sentences 683 to Death

An Egyptian court has sentenced 683 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to death on charges that include murder of a police officer and other acts of violence.

The judge handed down the sentences Monday in the southern city of Minya, about 200 kilometers south of Cairo.

The case is linked to deadly riots that erupted in Minya and elsewhere in Egypt after security forces violently disbanded protests held by Brotherhood supporters last August.

Last month, the same court sentenced 529 defendants to death on the same charges in a trial that lasted only two days, drawing international criticism over whether the proceedings were fair.

Egypt's interim authorities have cracked down on the Brotherhood, labeling it a terrorist group and arresting many of its leaders.

Also Monday, judicial officials say a court has banned a pro-democracy movement that helped ignite the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

The court ruled the April 6 youth movement damaged the image of the country.