Egyptians Celebrate Ramadan's End

On the first day of Eid in in Egypt, more than 15,000 Muslims gathered at one of the largest prayer gardens for Friday prayers, in Cairo, Egypt. July 6, 2016.

A woman holds balloons as gifts for children as Egyptians celebrate the end of Ramadan. Egyptians  say “Eid is for kids but everybody celebrates" in Cairo, Egypt, July 6, 2016. (Photo: Hamada Elrasam for VOA)

Many children jumped in the public fountain because of the hot weather in Cairo, Egypt. July 6, 2016. (Photo: Hamada Elrasam for VOA)

Egyptian youth do the “Shaby” dance as a DJ spins tunes at the end of Friday prayers in Cairo, Egypt. July 6, 2016. (Photo: Hamada Elrasam for VOA)

A young Egyptian man wearing a gorilla mask does the “Shaby” dance after Friday prayers, as a DJ starts the party, in Cairo, Egypt, July 6, 2016. (Photo: Hamada Elrasam for VOA)