Exhibit of Anatomical Horse, Rider Goes on Display in US

An exhibit showing the skinless specimen of a horse and its rider went on display Wednesday in the United States.

The exhibit, called "Rearing Horse With Rider," was unveiled in its first free public outdoor display in New York City's Times Square.

The 3.7 meter-tall statue is the work of German doctor and anatomist Gunther von Hagens. He spent three years creating it through a plastination process, a method he invented in 1977 that replaces bodily fluids and fats with plastic.

Plastination allows for the arrangement of plastic in various poses.

The statue displays the anatomical workings of animal and man. Von Hagens said the unfinished bronze horse of famous Italian sculpturor Leonardo da Vinci inspired him to complete the work.

On Thursday, "Rearing Horse With Rider" will become part of Body Worlds, an exhibition created by Von Hagens that shows preserved human bodies and body parts.

For a long time, Body Worlds was a traveling exhibit seen by millions of people around the world. It is now going on permanent display in Times Square's East Gallery.