Two Universities, One Program Gives Student From China An Experience of a Lifetime.

Fayetteville State University Student Qi Ding

Qi Ding is spending one year at Fayetteville State University studying Computer Science because of a program called Three plus One Dual degree program.

East China University of Science and Technology has a program affiliated with Fayetteville State University called the three plus one program. Qi Ding was selected to be one of the participants. "I'm from China. The university I attend in China has a program with Fayetteville State University so I joined this program. Its called three plus one dual degree program. My major in China is Mathematics and now here its Computer Science," she says.

"This progam is held by the school of science at my university. Its open for students who are majoring in mathematics and after two years studying in China we can join this program and study one year in the U-S, so when I graduate I will get a bachelor degree of computer science at Fayetteville and the university I attend in China will give me a bachelor's degree in Mathematics."

There are six other students that came from China with Qi that are also in the three plus one program. Qi says understanding the English language is going to take some studying and time to grasp. "I think this university is pretty good. We have about five or six classes each semester and the class is not big the class is pretty small so we can get attention from the professors and the professors here are very helpful," she says. "Whenever we have problems they are willing to help us and all of our problems get solved very soon. The food here is good too and we have totally adapted to the environment. Maybe sometimes the language is still a little problem for us. My people speak too fast when they feel confused about the language, but its okay, we can communicate," she says. "I think the classes aren't that difficult for me, but some classes I need to pay more attention because the books are all written in English so I have to spend more time to read it, but its okay I am doing pretty well in my class."

Qi does however notice the cultural differences from going to school back home and attending Fayetteville State University. "The biggest difference is we have a lot of students in China. We have about 20-thousand students in China University of Science and Technology, but here much fewer students so we get more attention from professors and in China we have about four roommates, but here we have single room and about classes here each semester we take about fifteen or sixteen or eighteen credit hours, but in China we take about twenty to thirty much more than here," she says. My university in China is in Shanghai so the traffic is very convenient to take a bus or subway to the place you want to go, but here when we want to go out we will ask somebody else who has a car to pick us up.

Some advice Qi wants to give other students back home is, "I would encourage them to come here. I feel if you stay just in one place your mind will be restricted to that place. If you go out you can see more things and you will learn more and your mind will be open and your horizon will be broaden," she says. "So I would encourage them to come here and experience the different education system. It will equip us with more knowledge. China and U-S are different so maybe before they come here I will give them a suggestion to practice more English in China so when they arrive here they will be more fluent in English."

When asked to share a saying that is important to her, Qi says, "The motto is given by the first chairman of China Mao Zedong. When in China, we like to say it in this way " Good good study, day day up." The correct way of saying it should be " Study hard and make progress every day."

Qi will graduate from both universities in May.