Finding the Net Cost of College

All U.S. universities are now required to provide net cost calculators on their website, which estimate what a prospective student can expect to pay using estimates of total cost and potential financial aid. But, here's your friendly reminder that (like the Department of Education's net cost lists) this tool is not optimized for international students.

In a previous post we analyzed the differences between average net costs for domestic and international students, and came up with our own estimates of average net cost at various universities. There are also other resources to find average net cost for international students, like the College Board International Student Handbook, and there's a good analysis of the most generous schools for international students at

For more on how our bloggers found financial aid, check out our previous post, “Exploring Financial Aid and Funding Options.”

Not sure where to start with applying to U.S. schools? Read these two posts for advice:
- Recap: Applying to Schools
- First Steps: Deciding to Come to the US is the Easy Part