Gabonese Group Calls for French Product Boycott

The organization Generation Omar Bongo Ondimba has launched a weeklong boycott of products sold by French oil producer-distributor Total in Gabon. The boycott comes after a French court's decision to reopen an investigation into corruption charges against former Gabon leader Omar Bongo.

A group in Gabon is calling for its fellow citizens to boycott the French company Total, in reaction to a ruling by France's top appeals court that authorizes a probe into the assets of three African leaders, including former Gabon President Omar Bongo.

Chantal Ondo is president of the group, known as Generation Omar Bongo Ondimba, or GOBO. She says the Total boycott is the beginning of a progressive campaign that will target all French products and services in the country.

Ondo says they are asking people not to buy gas from Total, because it is with money that they will fight their battle.

The campaign was launched on November 18, and Ondo plans for it to run until Thursday.

She adds that they are not asking people to vandalize Total stations, but simply not to buy the products sold there.

The ruling by France's highest Court of Cassation marks a long-fought victory for two French-based rights groups: the NGO Sherpa and the French branch of anti-corruption group Transparency International.

They charge that along with Bongo, the presidents of Equatorial Guinea and Republic of Congo, bought luxury villas and vehicles in France - with money that rightfully belonged to their people.