In Photos: Egypt Deals with Coronavirus

Egypt confirmed 45 coronavirus positive cases on a Nile tour boat sailing between Luxor and Aswan, March 7, 2020. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

The Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Khaled El-Anany, said tourism departments in Egypt should follow the WHO precautions to control the coronavirus infection. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

In metropolitan cities like Cairo, avoiding public transportation and other crowded places is seemingly impossible. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Despite warnings by WHO and other health agencies to avoid populated gatherings, parliament members in Giza province arranged a group wedding of 50 couples on March 7, 2020. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

While Saudi Arabia's sacred mosque in Mecca was closed last week in an effort to contain the virus, mosques in Egypt continued to function as normal. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

In Cairo's Manshiyat Naser ward, where a majority of residents are Coptic Christians, prayers are still held inside a poorly ventilated cave and sacraments are distributed to all with the same spoon. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Hundreds of Egyptians who are traveling to Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries in the next 24 hours gathered to get the COVID-19 test, required by Saudi Arabia before they board their plane. (H. Elrasam/VOA)