Government Targets Hit in Egypt

Suspected militants in Egypt have killed nine security personnel and attacked the country's main satellite communications system.

The attacks mark an escalation of targets by suspected militants, and they come a day after heavy clashes between Islamists and police left dozens dead.

In one attack Monday, masked gunmen opened fire on an army patrol at a checkpoint near the city of Ismailia, killing six soldiers. The incident occurred shortly after a car bomb hit a security headquarters in the southern Sinai Peninsula, killing three policemen and wounding dozens.

Officials say the grenade attack on the satellite system in a Cairo suburb damaged one of the dishes, but did not affect communications.

The attacks came a day after 53 people were killed and nearly 300 wounded when holiday celebrations marking the start of the 1973 Mideast War turned into deadly clashes across Egypt. It was not immediately clear if Monday's violence was related.

More confrontations may shake Egypt this week, with supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi calling for demonstrations Tuesday and Friday.
