More US-International Adoptions Involve Special Needs Kids

FILE - A boy looks through a shop window in Valka, Latvia, Oct. 25, 2013.

A new report on international adoptions says a growing number of adopted children are older and have special needs.

The study by the Donaldson Adoption Institute surveyed about 1,000 parents in the United States who adopted internationally since 1983. Nearly 50 percent had adopted a child with special needs.

The study found that many countries, including China, are primarily or exclusively permitting international adoptions of special needs children.

The institute says Americans wanting to adopt internationally need to be educated about this reality to prevent "the kind of distress that leads desperate parents to seek radical solutions."

Recent news reports have spotlighted cases of adoptive parents seeking to "return" internationally adopted children to their country of origin after problems surfaced.

The study notes that many countries are restricting international adoptions, with Russia completely banning U.S. adoptions.