Hundreds Turn Out for Jordan Protest

A Jordanian boy holds a national flag during a protest against Jordan's new Prime Minister Marouf Al Bakhit and in support of the Egyptian people in Amman, Jordan, February 4, 2011

Hundreds of protesters demonstrated in Jordan Friday, to pressure the newly selected prime minister to enact promised political reforms.

The demonstration in Amman came a day after the country's main Islamist opposition party met with King Abdullah to discuss their demands.

While some have called for Prime Minister-designate Marouf al-Bakhit to step down, leaders of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood say they will give him a chance to achieve reform.

King Abdullah dismissed his government earlier this week following weeks of anti-government protests inspired by the political uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt.

Following his meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood Thursday, the king acknowledged that reforms have been slow. He said all parties should work together to help increase the role of citizens in decision-making.

One of the Brotherhood's key demands is to change the constitution to give parliament more control to appoint prime ministers, which is currently the exclusive right of the king.

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