IAEA: Iran Complying with Nuclear Pact

FILE - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The United Nations nuclear agency reports Iran is complying with a milestone agreement to limit stockpiles of key ingredients that can be used to produce nuclear weapons.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Iran's stockpiles of heavy water and uranium are within the limits that were agreed upon last year.

Iran's uranium has not exceeded the agreed limit of 300 kilograms and its heavy water supplies remain below the 130 ton limit, the report said.

The findings were disclosed Friday in the second quarterly report the IAEA has prepared since the accord took effect in January.

In July 2015, a deal for Iran to limit stockpiles of the materials was reached with Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.

In exchange for the agreement, U.N. and Western sanctions on Iran were lifted, including the country's valuable oil exports.

But the U.S. has maintained its sanctions on Iran due to the Persian Gulf country's alleged sponsorship of arms shipments in the Middle East and its ballistic missile program.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested in May that the U.S. take "more serious and concrete" actions to resolve the matter.