Iran Summons Sweden's Charge D'affaires in Tehran Over Quran Burning

Protesters gather at the entrance to the Swedish embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, a day after a man tore up and burned a copy of the Quran outside a mosque in the Swedish capital Stockholm, Iraq, June 29, 2023.

Iran's foreign ministry has summoned Sweden's charge d'affaires in Tehran over the burning of a copy of the Quran outside a mosque in Stockholm, state media reported on Thursday, condemning what it said was an insult to the most sacred Islamic sanctities.

A man tore up and burned a Quran outside Stockholm's central mosque on Wednesday, the first day of the Muslim Eid al Adha holidays.

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"While Muslims are performing the Haj ... insulting their sanctities merely serves the path of spreading hatred and violence, exploiting the principle of freedom of expression," Iranian state media said, citing a statement by the ministry.