ISSUES IN THE NEWS: UN Votes on Resolution for Gaza Humanitarian Aid -Stops Short of Call for Ceasefire

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Fighting in Gaza escalates with some of the most intense Israeli bombardment of the war, as world leaders vote to on a resolution to boost humanitarian aid into Gaza. The falls short of calling for a cease fire. John Lyndon Executive Director with the Alliance for Middle East Peace discusses growing concerns as the clock tick for an end to the war, Israel will ramp up bombardment. The UN warns of starvation in Gaza. Henry Ridgwell in London sums up how the year is ending for Ukraine's efforts to combat invading Russian forces. Pope Francis made news this week in a landmark decision that formally allows Roman Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples. Julie Byrne, Chair and Professor at Hofstra University’s Department of Religion provides insight into the significance of this change of Vatican policy and what it means and does not mean.