Lawyer: Iran Halts Execution of Kurdish Student

Lawyer: Iran Halts Execution of Kurdish Student

Iranian authorities have reportedly halted at the last minute the execution of a Kurdish student accused of supporting an anti-government group.

The lawyer for Habibollah Latifi said Sunday the execution had been stopped for a further review of his case.

Latifi was sentenced to death by hanging in 2008 on charges of aiding a group called the Free Life for Kurdistan, PJAK. The PJAK seeks greater rights for the Kurdish minority in Iran, and is said to be part of the Kurdistan Workers Party - a rebel group fighting for greater Kurdish autonomy in southeastern Turkey.

In another development, the semi-official Iranian news agency Mehr is reporting that a man suspected of spying for Israel has been sentenced to death.

The man was not identified. And there has been no comment from Israel.

Mehr quotes Tehran's chief prosecutor, Abbas Dowlatabadi, as saying the suspect's identity will be revealed after approval of the verdict by Iran's Supreme Court.

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