US General Killed in Kabul by Afghan Gunman

Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers keep watch at the gate of a British-run military training academy Camp Qargha, in Kabul, Aug. 5, 2014.

A man wearing an Afghan army uniform shot and killed a U.S. general and wounded as many as 15 other U.S. and international troops in Kabul Tuesday.

U.S. officials identified the officer as Major General Harold Greene, a 34-year Army veteran. He is the highest-ranking U.S. serviceman killed in action since the war in Afghanistan began in 2001.

Greene and the others, including a German general, were shot during a routine visit to the Marshal Fahim National Defense University in Kabul - a military training center.

The Afghan Defense Ministry describes the gunman as a terrorist wearing an Afghan army uniform. He also was killed.

U.S. and Afghan officials believe the shooting was an insider attack, in which Afghan soldiers turn their guns on U.S. and allied forces.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the shooting and offered his condolences to all the victims.

The United Nations in Afghanistan described the shooting as a tragedy.