MH370 Investigators to Examine New Debris

FILE - Fleet of Malaysia Airline planes on the tarmac of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, in Malaysia, Jan. 29, 2015. Australian and Malaysian investigators are eager to examine what may be debris from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Australian and Malaysian investigators are eager to examine what may be debris from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that went missing en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing two years ago.

The aircraft carried 239 passengers and crew when it disappeared in March 2014.

Wreckage that may be from the doomed flight recently washed ashore in Madagascar and an island off southern Australia.

In Madagascar, part of an airplane seat and a cover panel on a plane wing have been recovered.

Meanwhile, a plane part was found on Kangaroo Island with the words "No step" on it.

Officials believe flight MH370 crashed at sea but have not been able to find the main underwater wreckage.

Map of Madagascar