Zombie Nativity Scene Resurrected

For the second year on a row, an Ohio couple has build a zombie nativity scene in their front yard. (Facebook)

This is not your run of the mill Christmas time nativity scene controversy.

A zombie nativity scene has been resurrected by an Ohio couple that had faced criticism last year for the macabre take on a Christmas staple.

Like last year, Jasen and Amanda Dixon of Cincinnati, Ohio, erected the scene in their front yard that features a creepy baby Jesus and three zombie wise men. It also features a glowing pentagram and a fake severed head.

The city council says the ghoulish creche violates zoning laws. According to the New York Times, the couple could face fines of $500 a day.

Local religious groups have also criticized it.

The couple has created a Facebook page documenting what they call "the world’s first Zombie nativity scene" and "a wonderful piece of artwork."

They are also seeking donations to help fund the tribute to the undead.

The couple has said they are not atheists.