Mütter Museum Showcases Medical Monstrosities

Death cast of "Siamese Twins" Chang and Eng Bunker. (George Widman/Mütter Museum)

Giant, Dwarf and Average Skeletons (George Widman/Mütter Museum)

The Hyrtl Skull Collection (George Widman/Mütter Museum)

터키 남동부 디야르바키르에서 경찰이 반정부 시위대를 향해 물대포를 발사하자, 주변에서 차를 팔던 노점상들이 황급히 피하고 있다.

The main gallery of Philadelphia's Mütter Museum. (George Widman/Mütter Museum)

Soap Lady soap sold at the gift shop at the Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (Courtesy Mütter Museum)

The Mega Colon plush toy sold in the gift shop at the Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (Courtesy Mütter Museum)

The "Siamese Twins" cookie cutter sold in the gift shop at the Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (Courtesy Mütter Museum)