Explosive Device Severely Injures Man in New York's Central Park

A bomb-sniffing dog works near the scene of an explosion in New York's Central Park, July 3, 2016. A firework exploded when a 19-year-old unwittingly stepped on it Sunday.

A teenage tourist severely injured his foot Sunday when he accidentally stepped on an explosive device while visiting New York's famed Central Park.

Police said the explosive device was homemade, probably a crude firework. An "explosive experiment'' that was probably designed to "make a large noise, maybe make a flash,'' and made by someone with a basic understanding of chemistry, said Lt. Mark Torre, commanding officer of the New York Police Department's bomb squad.

There was no evidence that the explosion was related to terrorism and there were no specific, credible threats on New York over the July 4th weekend, authorities said.

The victim was identified as a 19-year-old from Northern Virginia, near Washington, D.C. He was hospitalized in critical, but stable, condition.

Mayor Bill de Blasio sent out a tweet reminding people to stay safe around fireworks as they celebrate America's Independence Day. "Fireworks are fun - but let's leave them to the professionals,'' the mayor tweeted.